DWINoiseGenerator ================= .. code-block:: none USAGE: DWINoiseGenerator [--returnparameterfile ] [--processinformationaddress ] [--xml] [--echo] [--snr ] [--noisesigma ] [--noisetype ] [--mask ] [--b0 ] [--] [--version] [-h] Where: --returnparameterfile Filename in which to write simple return parameters (int, float, int-vector, etc.) as opposed to bulk return parameters (image, geometry, transform, measurement, table). --processinformationaddress Address of a structure to store process information (progress, abort, etc.). (value: 0) --xml Produce xml description of command line arguments (value: 0) --echo Echo the command line arguments (value: 0) --snr Sigma is defined as 1/SNR. --noisesigma Sigma value denoting noise level. --noisetype Noise type. (value: RICIAN) --mask 3D mask image. --b0 3D image that contains DWI data S(0) with b=0. If it is not set, we assume S(0)=1. --, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. --version Displays version information and exits. -h, --help Displays usage information and exits. (required) Vector image that contains the DWI data. (required) Vector image that will contain the DWI data with noise. Description: Add noise to a set of DWI data. Examples: DWINoiseGenerator dwi_b1000.nii.gz dwi_b1000_noise.nii.gz --snr 25 Author(s): Jian Cheng (jian.cheng.1983@gmail.com)