

   4DImageMath  [--returnparameterfile <std::string>]
                [--processinformationaddress <std::string>] [--xml]
                [--echo] [--crop <std::vector<int>>] [--shred
                <std::vector<int>>] [--compose] [--dotproduct] [--amin]
                [--amax] [--sum] [--median] [--mean] [--norm <L2|L1|L0
                |INF>] [-a <x|y|z|t|0|1|2|3>] [--sqrt] [--square] [--log]
                [--exp] [--abs] [-f <std::string>] [--pow <std::string>]
                [--min <std::string>] [--max <std::string>] [--mul
                <std::string>] [--div <std::string>] [--sub <std::string>]
                [--add <std::string>] [-v <int>] [--nt <int>] [--outformat
                <NONE|4D|VECTOR>] [--box <std::vector<int>>] [-m
                <std::string>] [--] [--version] [-h]
                <std::vector<std::string>> ...


   --returnparameterfile <std::string>
     Filename in which to write simple return parameters (int, float,
     int-vector, etc.) as opposed to bulk return parameters (image,
     geometry, transform, measurement, table).

   --processinformationaddress <std::string>
     Address of a structure to store process information (progress, abort,
     etc.). (value: 0)

     Produce xml description of command line arguments (value: 0)

     Echo the command line arguments (value: 0)

   --crop <std::vector<int>>
     Crop image by 8 parameters (x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,t0,t1). (value: -1,-1,-1

   --shred <std::vector<int>>
     Shred vector elements along axis according to offset, chunk size, and
     space specified by parameters 1 to 3. (value: 0,0,0)

     Compose images along axis (>=2 input images). (value: 0)

     Dot product along axis (2 input images) (value: 0)

     minimal value along axis (value: 0)

     maximal value along axis (value: 0)

     Sum along axis (value: 0)

     Median along axis (value: 0)

     Mean along axis (value: 0)

   --norm <L2|L1|L0|INF>
     Calculate norm of vector along axis. (value: L2)

   -a <x|y|z|t|0|1|2|3>,  --axis <x|y|z|t|0|1|2|3>
     Axis (x/y/z/t, i.e., 0/1/2/3).

     sqrt: square root, i.e., -f 'sqrt(x)' (value: 0)

     square, i.e., -f 'x*x' (value: 0)

     natural logarithm, i.e., -f 'log(x)' (value: 0)

     exponential, i.e., -f 'exp(x)' (value: 0)

     absolute value, i.e., -f 'abs(x)' (value: 0)

   -f <std::string>,  --func <std::string>
     Perform functions on elements of the input images (one or more
     inputs). Input images should have the same size, and it does not
     change the size in the output image.

     Note: it is slower (-f 'abs') than functions (--abs).

     Example: cos(x)+3*x+abs(x)+2 +x^3

     x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+3*x[2] // need >3 inputs

     max(x[0],x[1],x[2])  // need >3 inputs

     if (x>0.5) 1.0; else 0.0; // mask the input image using threshold 0.5

   --pow <std::string>
     Pow image file or a constant.

   --min <std::string>
     Take minimum of the input and the following image or constant.

   --max <std::string>
     Take maximum of the input and the following image or constant.

   --mul <std::string>
     Multiply image file or a constant.

   --div <std::string>
     Divide image file or a constant.

   --sub <std::string>
     Substract (minus) image file or a constant.

   --add <std::string>
     Add image file or a constant.

   -v <int>,  --verbose <int>
     Verbose level. 0: no output log. 1: normal log. 2: log for debug log.
     3: log for large matrix or vectors. (value: 1)

   --nt <int>
     Number of threads. If it not positive, then the default number for
     multiple threads is used. (value: -1)

   --outformat <NONE|4D|VECTOR>
     Output format. NONE: same as the input. 4D: itk 4D image, VECTOR: 3D
     vector image. (value: NONE)

   --box <std::vector<int>>
     only perform calculation in a given box (x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1). Set zero
     out of the region. (value: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1)

   -m <std::string>,  --mask <std::string>
     Mask image file (3d or 4d image). Set zero out of the region.

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

   <std::vector<std::string>>  (accepted multiple times)
     Image list. At least two files (one or more input images, and one
     output image)

   Description: Perform math operators on 4D image (4D itk::Image or 3D


   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz -f 'cos(x)+3*x+sqrt(abs(x))+sqrt(2)
   +x^3' -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz -f 'if (x>0.5) 1.0; else 0.0;' -m

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz --abs -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz --exp -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz --add image2.nii.gz -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz --add 2.0 -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz image2.nii.gz out.nii.gz -f 'x[0]+x[1]' -m

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz image2.nii.gz out.nii.gz -f 'x[0]^2+cos(x[1])'
   -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz image2.nii.gz out.nii.gz --axis t --dotproduct

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz image2.nii.gz image3.nii.gz  out.nii.gz -f
   'max(x[0],x[1],x[2]/2.0)' -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz --axis t --mean -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz out.nii.gz --axis x --norm L2 -m mask.nii.gz

   4DImageMath image1.nii.gz image2.nii.gz image3.nii.gz  out.nii.gz
   --axis t --compose

   Author(s): Jian Cheng (jian.cheng.1983@gmail.com)

   Acknowledgements: Thank you everyone.