==================== Matlab Function List ==================== .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 1 :local: .. _matlabfunctions_Common: Common ====== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: mexITKImageWrite mexITKImageRead .. csv-table:: :header: Command, Description :widths: 20, 20 :doc:`mexITKImageWrite `, "write Matlab image matrix to any image format supported by ITK using itk::Image and itk::VectorImage." :doc:`mexITKImageRead `, "read images stored as any format recognized by ITK" .. _matlabfunctions_DWIProcessing: DWIProcessing ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: mexReadDWIList .. csv-table:: :header: Command, Description :widths: 20, 20 :doc:`mexReadDWIList `, "read dwi images, gradient files, and b values" .. _matlabfunctions_DiffusionModels: DiffusionModels =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: mexSphericalPolarFourierImaging mexGetSHBasisMatrix mexGetSamplesFromSPFCoefficients mexGetSPFBasisMatrix .. csv-table:: :header: Command, Description :widths: 20, 20 :doc:`mexSphericalPolarFourierImaging `, "estimate continuous DWI signal and EAP represented by coefficients of given basis." :doc:`mexGetSHBasisMatrix `, "get sh matrix based on given order and orientationMatrix" :doc:`mexGetSamplesFromSPFCoefficients `, "get DWI or EAP samples (orignal samples or the SH coefficients) from given SPF coefficients" :doc:`mexGetSPFBasisMatrix `, "get SPF basis matrix with given spherical and radial orders, orientationMatrix, bVector" .. _matlabfunctions_SamplingScheme: SamplingScheme ============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: CartesianToSpherical CoveringRadius CoveringRadiusUpperBound GetGradAllShells OptimalSamplingMultiShellCNLO OptimalSamplingMultiShellCNLO_singleRun OptimalSamplingMultiSubsetsFromDifferentSets OptimalSamplingMultiSubsetsFromSameSet OptimalSamplingSingleShellCNLO OptimalSamplingSingleSubset ReadDirections VisualizeMultiShellScheme WriteDirections mexReadGrad .. csv-table:: :header: Command, Description :widths: 20, 20 :doc:`CartesianToSpherical `, "Convert x,y,z to theta, phi, r." :doc:`CoveringRadius `, "Calculate the covering radius of the given samples." :doc:`CoveringRadiusUpperBound `, "calculate the upper bound () of the minimal distance for a given number of points. Note: for N antipodal symmetric samples, use CoveringRadiusUpperBound(2*N)." :doc:`GetGradAllShells `, "Get Nx3 gradient table from gradients in all shells." :doc:`OptimalSamplingMultiShellCNLO `, "update gradients from an initial gradient set, such that the updated gradients are evenly distributed." :doc:`OptimalSamplingMultiShellCNLO_singleRun `, "update gradients from an initial gradient set, such that the updated gradients are evenly distributed." :doc:`OptimalSamplingMultiSubsetsFromDifferentSets `, "get K subsets of gradients from corresponding K given gradient sets, such that gradients in each subset are evenly distributed." :doc:`OptimalSamplingMultiSubsetsFromSameSet `, "get K subsets of gradients from one given gradient set, such that gradients in each subset are evenly distributed." :doc:`OptimalSamplingSingleShellCNLO `, "update gradients from an initial gradient set, such that the updated gradients are evenly distributed." :doc:`OptimalSamplingSingleSubset `, "get several subsets of gradients from a given gradient set, such that gradients in each subset are evenly distributed." :doc:`ReadDirections `, "read direction file into a matrix" :doc:`VisualizeMultiShellScheme `, "visualize single or multiple shell schemes" :doc:`WriteDirections `, "Write gradient table to a file" :doc:`mexReadGrad `, "read gradient files into a matrix" .. _matlabfunctions_Utils: Utils ===== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: CopyDefaultStructParams .. csv-table:: :header: Command, Description :widths: 20, 20 :doc:`CopyDefaultStructParams `, "Copy default parameter struct into a given user parameter struct"