

   DWIPreprocess  [--returnparameterfile <std::string>]
                  [--processinformationaddress <std::string>] [--xml]
                  [--echo] [--debug] [--warn] [--bThreshold <double>]
                  [--oEachShell] [--noNormalize] [--isVectorImage] [--mask
                  <std::string>] [--odwi <std::string>] [--ob0Image
                  <std::string>] [--ograd <std::string>] [--ob
                  <std::string>] [--] [--version] [-h] <std::string>


   --returnparameterfile <std::string>
     Filename in which to write simple return parameters (int, float,
     int-vector, etc.) as opposed to bulk return parameters (image,
     geometry, transform, measurement, table).

   --processinformationaddress <std::string>
     Address of a structure to store process information (progress, abort,
     etc.). (value: 0)

     Produce xml description of command line arguments (value: 0)

     Echo the command line arguments (value: 0)

     debug (value: 0)

     If it is set, show waning information when reading zero values in DWI
     data (value: 0)

   --bThreshold <double>
     If it is set, b values whose distance is smallter the threshold will
     be considered in the same shell. (value: 15)

     If set, output DWI in each shell (value: 0)

     If set, do not normalize DWI based on b0 image (value: 0)

     If it is set, the DWI images are VectorImage (value: 0)

   --mask <std::string>
     Mask file.

   --odwi <std::string>
     Comma separated list of iterations must have the same number of
     elements as learning rate

   --ob0Image <std::string>
     Output b0 Image file

   --ograd <std::string>
     Output grad file

   --ob <std::string>
     Output b file

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

     (required)  Text file that contains b values, gradient orientations,
     and DWI images

     (required)  Text file that contains b values, gradient orientations,
     and DWI images

   Description: Read DWI images, gradients, b values, and output the formal
   normalized formalt in a configuration file.


   DWIPreprocess data.txt  data_normalize.txt --oEachShell --bThreshold 15
   --mask mask.nii.gz  --odwi dwi_normalize.nii.gz  --ograd
   grad_normalize.txt --ob0Image dwi_b0.nii.gz

   Author(s): Jian Cheng (jian.cheng.1983@gmail.com)

   Acknowledgements: Thank you everyone.