Matlab Function List


Command Description
mexITKImageWrite write Matlab image matrix to any image format supported by ITK using itk::Image and itk::VectorImage.
mexITKImageRead read images stored as any format recognized by ITK


Command Description
mexReadDWIList read dwi images, gradient files, and b values


Command Description
mexSphericalPolarFourierImaging estimate continuous DWI signal and EAP represented by coefficients of given basis.
mexGetSHBasisMatrix get sh matrix based on given order and orientationMatrix
mexGetSamplesFromSPFCoefficients get DWI or EAP samples (orignal samples or the SH coefficients) from given SPF coefficients
mexGetSPFBasisMatrix get SPF basis matrix with given spherical and radial orders, orientationMatrix, bVector


Command Description
CartesianToSpherical Convert x,y,z to theta, phi, r.
CoveringRadius Calculate the covering radius of the given samples.
CoveringRadiusUpperBound calculate the upper bound () of the minimal distance for a given number of points. Note: for N antipodal symmetric samples, use CoveringRadiusUpperBound(2*N).
GetGradAllShells Get Nx3 gradient table from gradients in all shells.
OptimalSamplingMultiShellCNLO update gradients from an initial gradient set, such that the updated gradients are evenly distributed.
OptimalSamplingMultiShellCNLO_singleRun update gradients from an initial gradient set, such that the updated gradients are evenly distributed.
OptimalSamplingMultiSubsetsFromDifferentSets get K subsets of gradients from corresponding K given gradient sets, such that gradients in each subset are evenly distributed.
OptimalSamplingMultiSubsetsFromSameSet get K subsets of gradients from one given gradient set, such that gradients in each subset are evenly distributed.
OptimalSamplingSingleShellCNLO update gradients from an initial gradient set, such that the updated gradients are evenly distributed.
OptimalSamplingSingleSubset get several subsets of gradients from a given gradient set, such that gradients in each subset are evenly distributed.
ReadDirections read direction file into a matrix
VisualizeMultiShellScheme visualize single or multiple shell schemes
WriteDirections Write gradient table to a file
mexReadGrad read gradient files into a matrix


Command Description
CopyDefaultStructParams Copy default parameter struct into a given user parameter struct