
% get several subsets of gradients from a given gradient set, such that
% gradients in each subset are evenly distributed.
%   [grad,grb_result] = OptimalSamplingSingleSubset(gradAll, param, grbParam)
%   gradAll            :  Nx3 gradient matrix, where each row is a point in sphere.
%   param.numSamples   :  the number of samples in the subset
%   param.ModelFile    :  string. If set, write the model into a file
%   grbParam.start     :  a warm start if provided
%   grbParam.TimeLimit :  time limit to terminate the program
%   grbParam.MIPFocus  :  MIPFocus
%   grad               :  output gradient matrix with numSamples samples.
%   grb_result         :  output from GUROBI
% Reference:
%   1. "Single- and Multiple-Shell Uniform Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Codes",
%       Jian Cheng, Dinggang Shen, Pew-Thian Yap, Peter J. Basser, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2017.
%   2. "Designing Single- and Multiple-Shell Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Code",
%       Jian Cheng, Dinggang Shen, Pew-Thian Yap, MICCAI 2014.
% Copyright (c) 2013, Jian Cheng <jian.cheng.1983@gmail.com>