
2017-02-28: DMRITool now uses C++11

2015-06-18: Some codes on sampling scheme design are released

  • Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) for sampling scheme design is released in matlab. See folder ${DMRITOOL_SOURCE_DIR}/Matlab.
  • Iterative Maximum Overlap Construction (IMOC) for sampling scheme design is released in C++. See command SamplingSchemeQSpaceIMOCEstimation.
  • Add a tutorial on sampling scheme design with some demos.
  • Use some scripts to generate the c++ executable list, matlab function list, run demos in tutorials, update dmritool website and doxygen.
  • Add to visualize vtk files and save the visualization into png files. It can replace vtkviewer.

2015-06-09: DMRITool is using github pages

2015-03-09: Version 0.1.1 is released

The version v0.1.1 is released. It is mainly a bug-fix release to make the building process better.

2015-02-18: DMRITool is now open source

DMRITool is released as an open source toolbox. The source code is in github and the documentation is in readthedocs.

The fist release (v0.1) includes: