Command List


Command Description
CorrectBValues group similar b values into several shells.
DWIMultipleShellSplit Split mutiple shell DWI data into several single shell data.
DWINoiseGenerator Add noise to a set of DWI data.
DWIPreprocess Read DWI images, gradients, b values, and output the formal normalized formalt in a configuration file.
DWISimulator Simulate DWI data.
DWISingleVoxelSimulator Simulate DWI data with fixed single voxel configuration.


Command Description
ComputeSHCoefficientsOfDWIFromSymmetricTensor Compute SH coefficients of DWI signal in DTI with symmetric tensor (along z-axis).
MeanDiffusivityEstimator Estimate Mean Diffusivity in each voxel.
ODFNormalization Normalize ODF (VectorImage) represented by SH basis or uniform spherical samples.
SHCoefficientsFit Spherical Harmonics fit from spherical function samples.
SHCoefficientsPower Power of a spherical function represented by SH basis.
SHCoefficientsRotate Spherical Harmonics Rotation.
SHCoefficientsToGFA calculate GFA from SH coefficients.
SHCoefficientsToSphericalFunctionSamples conversion from SH coefficients to spherical function samples.
SPFToODF Convert SPF coefficients to ODFs (represented by SH basis or discrete samples).
SPFToProfile Convert SPF coefficients to DWI/EAP profile (represented by SH basis or discrete samples).
SPFToScalarMap Estimate scalar maps using SPFI.
SphereTessellator Tessellation of a sphere via subdivision of basic polyhedrons.
SphericalPolarFourierImaging Spherical Polar Fourier Imaging (SPFI): estimate SPF coefficients from DWI signals.
TensorFormatConverter Convert different tensor storage formats.


Command Description
OrientationStatistics Get statistics information from a given orientation file. Show the (min, max, mean, std) of the minimal angles of all samples. Show electrostatic energy, spherical code cost function.
SamplingSchemeDistance Calculate the distance (maximum of the minimal angles) between two single shell sampling schemes.
SamplingSchemeQSpace1OptEstimation 1-Opt estimation for single and multiple shell sampling scheme
SamplingSchemeQSpaceIMOCEstimation Single and multi-shell sampling scheme estimation using Iterative Maximum Overlap Construction (IMOC).
SamplingSchemeQSpaceIncrementalEstimation Incrementatl estimation for single and multiple shell sampling scheme.
SamplingSchemeQSpaceRandomEstimation Random generator for multi-shell schemes.


Command Description Combine several vtk files into one vtk file. Covert .sol file (by gurobi) to index file for subsampling gradients. It is used for subsampling gradients by Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Render a list of VTK data and (or) a nifti image, then view or save PNG or save WebGL. The code is modified from ITKExamples. GUI for


Command Description
4DImageMath Perform math operators on 4D image (4D itk::Image or 3D itk::VectorImage).
4DToVectorImageConverter Convert a 4D image to a vector image.
ImageInfo Display image information.
PrintImage print image (4D image, tensors, SH coefficients).
TextFileOperator Operations for text files.
VectorImageNormalization Normalize each voxel in a VectorImage or SparseVectorImage.
VectorTo4DImageConverter Convert a vector image to a 4D image.


Command Description Combine several vtk files into one vtk file.
MeshFromDiscreteFiberODF Create a mesh (a spherical profile of DWI/EAP/ODF) from discrete fiber ODF for visualization.
MeshFromPeaks Create a mesh from peaks for visualization.
MeshFromSHCoefficients Create a mesh from spherical harmonics coefficients for visualization.
MeshFromSphericalFunctionTessellatedSamples Create a mesh from spherical samples using tessellation.
MeshFromTensors Create a mesh from tensors for visualization.
MeshFromTracts Create a mesh from fiber tracts for visualization.
OrientationsViewer Single and multi-shell orientations viewer.
RGBImageToVTKXMLImageConverter Convert an ITK image to a VTK XML image. Render a list of VTK data and (or) a nifti image, then view or save PNG or save WebGL. The code is modified from ITKExamples. GUI for
VTKXMLImageToVectorImageConverter Convert a VTK XML image to an ITK image.
VectorImageToVTKXMLImageConverter Convert an ITK image to a VTK XML image.
vtkviewer visualize vtk files.