

   MeshFromDiscreteFiberODF  [--returnparameterfile <std::string>]
                             [--processinformationaddress <std::string>]
                             [--xml] [--echo] [--debug] [-p] [--st]
                             [--nolighting] [--nonormal] [--zoom <double>]
                             [--png <std::string>] [--bg
                             <std::vector<double>>] [--angle
                             <std::vector<double>>] [--size
                             <std::vector<int>>] [--tau <double>]
                             [--colorscheme <DIRECTION|MAGNITUDE>]
                             [--nostretch] [--removenegative] [--basisType
                             <TENSOR|CYLINDER>] [--basicshape <TETRAHEDRON
                             |OCTAHEDRON|ICOSAHEDRON>] [--tessorder <int>]
                             [--scale <double>] [--slice
                             <std::vector<int>>] [--box <std::vector<int>>]
                             [--flip <std::vector<int>>] [--pow <double>]
                             [--iso] [--tensorISO <double>] [--tensor
                             <std::vector<double>>] [--odfOrder <int>]
                             [--outputType <DWI|EAP|ODF>] [--radius
                             <double>] [--normalize <NONE|MIN_MAX|UNIT_MAX
                             |UNIT_INTEGRAL>] [--orientations
                             <std::string>] [--mask <std::string>] [-o
                             <std::string>] [--] [--version] [-h]


   --returnparameterfile <std::string>
     Filename in which to write simple return parameters (int, float,
     int-vector, etc.) as opposed to bulk return parameters (image,
     geometry, transform, measurement, table).

   --processinformationaddress <std::string>
     Address of a structure to store process information (progress, abort,
     etc.). (value: 0)

     Produce xml description of command line arguments (value: 0)

     Echo the command line arguments (value: 0)

     debug (value: 0)

   -p,  --progress
     show progress of processing (value: 0)

     Use single thread. (value: 0)

     Set LightingOff. (value: 0)

     Do not use vtkPolyDataNormals. (value: 0)

   --zoom <double>
     zoom factor. Used when visualzing the vtk file.

   --png <std::string>
     output png file. Used when visualzing the vtk file.

   --bg <std::vector<double>>
     background color for the window (value: 0,0,0)

   --angle <std::vector<double>>
     azimuth,elevation. Used when visualzing the vtk file. (value: 0.0,0.0)

   --size <std::vector<int>>
     window size. Used when visualzing the vtk file. (value: 600,600)

   --tau <double>
     Tau value. The default is calculated based on 4*pi*pi*tau=1. (value:

   --colorscheme <DIRECTION|MAGNITUDE>
     Color scheme. (value: DIRECTION)

     If it is set, the mesh in each voxel is a sphere and the values of the
     spherical function are only for coloring. (value: 0)

     Remove negative values if set. (value: 0)

   --basisType <TENSOR|CYLINDER>
     Type of basis. (value: TENSOR)

     Basic shape for subdivision. (value: ICOSAHEDRON)

   --tessorder <int>
     Tessellation order. (value: 4)

   --scale <double>
     Scale factor. (value: 1)

   --slice <std::vector<int>>
     coordinates for coronal, sagittal and transverse views. When -1 is
     used for x/y/z, then the voxel is visible in the x/y/z-axis. (value:

   --box <std::vector<int>>
     only generate mesh from a given box (x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1). When -1 is
     used, then x0/y0/z0 will be 0, x1/y1/z1 will be the maximal number in
     the x/y/z-axis. (value: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1)

   --flip <std::vector<int>>
     Flip x/y/z-axis for spherical functions. 1 means flip, 0 means
     no-flip. (value: 0,0,0)

   --pow <double>
     Power factor. (value: 1)

     If set, use isotropic component. (value: 0)

   --tensorISO <double>
     Isotropic component for tensor. If it is negative, do not use
     isotropic component. (value: -1)

   --tensor <std::vector<double>>
     Three eigenvalues for tensor basis. If two are given, then the last
     two eigenvalues are the same. (value: 0.0017,0.0002,0.0002)

   --odfOrder <int>
     Order for the ODF output. (value: 2)

   --outputType <DWI|EAP|ODF>
     Type of output. (value: DWI)

   --radius <double>
     Radius for DWI/EAP profile.         It is b value if outputType==DWI.
     It is r value if outputType==EAP or outputType==ODF. (value: -1)

     Perform normalization after removing negative values (if set); NONE:
     No normalization; MIN_MAX: Min-max normalization; UNIT_MAX: Unit
     maximum; UNIT_INTEGRATION: Unit integration. (value: NONE)

   --orientations <std::string>
     text file which contains orientations. If it is not set, the output is
     SH coefficients. If set, the output is EAP/DWI samples

   --mask <std::string>
     Mask file.

   -o <std::string>,  --output <std::string>
     Output vtk file. If it is not set, visualize the vtk file. (value: "")

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

     (required)  Input file.

   Description: Create a mesh (a spherical profile of DWI/EAP/ODF) from
   discrete fiber ODF for visualization.


   MeshFromDiscreteFiberODF dwi_bw.spr -o dwi_odf_vis.vtk --tessorder 4
   --basisType TENSOR --tensor 0.0017,0.0002  --scale 1.5 --colorscheme
   MAGNITUDE --outputType ODF --tensorISO 0.7e-3  --iso

   MeshFromDiscreteFiberODF dwi_bw.spr --tessorder 4 --basisType TENSOR
   --tensor 0.0017,0.0002  --scale 1.5 --colorscheme MAGNITUDE --outputType
   ODF --tensorISO 0.7e-3  --iso

   Author(s): Jian Cheng (

   Acknowledgements: Thank you everyone.