
% Calculate the covering radius of the given samples.
%    radius = CoveringRadius(grad)
%    radius = CoveringRadius(grad, ind)
%    grad     :  Nx3 matrix, each row is a point in sphere.
%    ind      :  If it is given, calculate the minimal distance between
%                the ind-th sample and the other samples in grad.
%    radius   :  covering radius, i.e., the minimal spherical distance between any two samples.
% References:
%   1.
%   2. "Single- and Multiple-Shell Uniform Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Codes",
%       Jian Cheng, Dinggang Shen, Pew-Thian Yap, Peter J. Basser, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2017.
%   3. "Designing Single- and Multiple-Shell Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Code",
%       Jian Cheng, Dinggang Shen, Pew-Thian Yap, MICCAI 2014.
%   4. "Novel single and multiple shell uniform sampling schemes for diffusion MRI using spherical codes",
%       Jian Cheng, Dinggang Shen, Pew-Thian Yap, Peter J. Basser, MICCAI 2015.
% Copyright (c) 2014, Jian Cheng <>