DMRITool  v0.1.1-139-g860d86b4
Diffusion MRI Tool
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
itk Namespace Reference




class  AddNoiseToDWIImageFilter
class  BasisMatrixGenerator
class  CastImageFileWriter
class  CastVectorImageFileWriter
class  CommandProgressUpdate
class  ComposeVectorImageFilter
class  CylinderModelGenerator
class  DiffusionModelEstimationImageFilter
class  DiffusionModelEstimationInSphericalCoordinateImageFilter
class  DiffusionModelGenerator
class  DiffusionTensor
class  DiscreteBasisMatrixGenerator
class  DWIGenerator
class  DWIGeneratorBase
class  DWIReader
class  DWISingleVoxelGenerator
class  DWIWriter
class  FeaturesFromSPFImageFilter
class  Fiber
class  FiberTracts
class  FiberTractsReader
class  FiberTractsWriter
class  FunctorBaseVectorImageFilter
class  FunctorFromStringImageFilter
class  FunctorHashTable
class  FunctorTableBase
class  GeneralizedHighOrderTensorImageFilter
class  ImageToVTKImageDataFilter
class  IterativeSolverBase
class  L1RegularizedLeastSquaresFISTASolver
class  L2RegularizedLeastSquaresSolver
class  MaskedImageToImageFilter
class  MeanDiffusivityFromGHOTImageFilter
class  MeshFromContinuousSphericalFunctionImageFilter
class  MeshFromDiscreteFiberODFImageFilter
class  MeshFromFiberTractsFilter
class  MeshFromImageImageFilter
class  MeshFromPeaksImageFilter
class  MeshFromSHCoefficientsImageFilter
class  MeshFromSphericalFunctionImageFilter
class  MeshFromSphericalFunctionTessellatedSamplesImageFilter
class  MeshFromTensorImageFilter
class  MultiplyByConstantMatrixVectorImageFilter
class  MultiplyByConstantVectorImageFilter
class  MultiVariableFunctorVectorImageFilter
class  MultiVolumeImageToVectorImageFilter
class  NormalizeODFImageFilter
class  NormalizeVectorImageFilter
class  ODFFromSPFImageFilter
class  OuterProductVectorImageFilter
class  PeakContainerHelper
class  ProfileFromSPFImageFilter
class  RGBImageToVTKImageDataFilter
class  RotateSHCoefficientsImageFilter
class  SamplingScheme3D
class  SamplingSchemeQSpace
class  SamplingSchemeQSpace1OptEstimationFilter
class  SamplingSchemeQSpaceEstimationFilter
class  SamplingSchemeQSpaceIMOCEstimationFilter
class  SamplingSchemeQSpaceIncrementalEstimationFilter
class  SamplingSchemeQSpaceWriter
class  ScalarMapFromSPFImageFilter
class  SHCoefficientsPowerImageFilter
class  SHCoefficientsRotation
class  SHCoefficientsToGFAImageFilter
class  SlowPolyLineParametricPath
class  SolverBase
class  SpamsWeightedLassoSolver
class  SparseVector
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImage
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageFileReader
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageFileReaderException
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageFileWriter
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImagePixelAccessor
class  SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImagePixelAccessorFunctor
class  SPFScaleFromMeanDiffusivityImageFilter
class  SphereTessellator
class  SphericalHarmonicsGenerator
class  SphericalPolarFourierEstimationImageFilter
class  SphericalPolarFourierGenerator
class  SphericalPolarFourierImageFilter
class  SphericalPolarFourierRadialGenerator
class  StructureTensorImageFilter
class  TensorBasisMatrixGenerator
struct  TrackVisHeaderType
class  UnaryFunctorLookUpTable
class  UnaryFunctorVectorImageFilter
class  VariableLengthVectorImageFileReader
class  VariableLengthVectorImageFileReaderException
class  VariableLengthVectorImageFileWriter
class  VectorImageChannelFilter
class  VectorImageRegionIterator
class  VectorImageRegionIterator< Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > >
class  VectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex
class  VectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > >
class  VectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< Image< VariableLengthVector< TPixel >, 3 > >
class  VectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension > >
class  VectorImageToMultiVolumeImageFilter
class  VTKImageDataToImageFilter


typedef LUTExpType::Pointer LUTExpPointer
typedef UnaryFunctorLookUpTable< utl::Functor::Exp< double > > LUTExpType


enum  PeakType {
  XYZV =0,


template<class ImageWithInfoType , class ImageType >
void CopyImageInformation (const SmartPointer< ImageWithInfoType > &imageFrom, SmartPointer< ImageType > &imageTo)
template<unsigned dimIn, unsigned dimOut>
void CopyImageRegion (const ImageRegion< dimIn > &regionIn, ImageRegion< dimOut > &regionOut, const int numberOfComponens=-1)
void CopyTrackvisHeader (const TrackVisHeaderType &hFrom, TrackVisHeaderType &hTo)
template<class ImageType , class ImageOutType , class MaskImageType = Image<double,4>>
void FunctorFromStringOPImage (const std::vector< itk::SmartPointer< ImageType > > &images, itk::SmartPointer< ImageOutType > &outImage, const std::string &funcStr, const itk::SmartPointer< MaskImageType > &mask=nullptr, int numberOfThreads=-1)
template<class ImageType >
ImageType::Pointer GenerateImage (const typename ImageType::SizeType &size, const int vectorLength=1)
template<class ImageType >
ImageType::Pointer GenerateImageFromSingleVoxel (const typename ImageType::PixelType &pixel)
int GetDimensionOfProperties (const TrackVisHeaderType &header)
int GetDimensionOfScalars (const TrackVisHeaderType &header)
int GetImageType (const std::string &filename)
template<class ImageType >
int GetImageType (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image)
template<class T , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void GetITKImageFromMXArray (const mxArray *pr, SmartPointer< Image< T, VImageDimension > > &image)
template<class T >
void GetITKVectorImageFromMXArray (const mxArray *pr, SmartPointer< VectorImage< T, 3 > > &image)
template<class T , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void GetMXArrayFromITKImage (const SmartPointer< Image< T, VImageDimension > > &image, mxArray *&pr)
template<class T , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void GetMXArrayFromITKVectorImage (const SmartPointer< VectorImage< T, VImageDimension > > &image, mxArray *&pr)
std::vector< std::string > GetPropertyNames (const TrackVisHeaderType &header)
std::vector< std::string > GetScalarNames (const TrackVisHeaderType &header)
template<class ImageType >
std::vector< int > GetVectorImage3DVolumeSize (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image)
template<class ImageType >
std::vector< int > GetVectorImageFullSize (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image)
template<class ImageType >
int GetVectorImageVectorSize (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const int axis=-1)
bool HasPropertyName (const TrackVisHeaderType &header, const std::string &name)
bool HasScalarName (const TrackVisHeaderType &header, const std::string &name)
template<class Image1Type , class Image2Type >
void ImageToImage (const SmartPointer< Image1Type > &image1, SmartPointer< Image2Type > &image2)
template<class Image1Type , class Image2Type >
SmartPointer< Image2Type > ImageToImage (const SmartPointer< Image1Type > &image1)
void InitializeLUTExp ()
void InitializeSHRotation (const int rank, const int tess)
bool Is3DImage (const std::string &filename)
template<class ImageType >
bool IsImageEmpty (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image)
bool IsSameStructure (const TrackVisHeaderType &h1, const TrackVisHeaderType &h2)
bool IsSparseImage (const std::string &filename)
bool IsVectorImage (const std::string &filename)
double lutExpValue (const double x)
template<class ImageType , class ImageOutType , class OpFunctor , class MaskImageType = Image<double,4>>
void MultiVariableVectorOPImage (const std::vector< itk::SmartPointer< ImageType > > &images, itk::SmartPointer< ImageOutType > &outImage, const OpFunctor &func, const itk::SmartPointer< MaskImageType > &mask=nullptr, int numberOfThreads=-1, int vectorAxis=3)
template<class ScalarType , unsigned Dim>
void MultiVolumeToVectorImage (const SmartPointer< Image< ScalarType, Dim+1 > > &image1, SmartPointer< VectorImage< ScalarType, Dim > > &image2)
template<class PointsContainer , class VnlValueType >
void PointsContainerToVnlMatrix (const PointsContainer &points, vnl_matrix< VnlValueType > &matrix)
template<class TPixelType , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void PrintImage (const SmartPointer< Image< TPixelType, VImageDimension > > image, const std::string &mse="", std::ostream &os=std::cout, bool isPrintHeader=false)
template<class TPixelType , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void PrintImage3D (const SmartPointer< Image< TPixelType, VImageDimension > > &image, const std::string &mse="", std::ostream &os=std::cout, bool isPrintHeader=false)
template<class TPixelType , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void PrintImage4D (const SmartPointer< Image< TPixelType, VImageDimension > > &image, const std::string &mse="", std::ostream &os=std::cout, bool isPrintHeader=false)
void PrintTractVisHeader (const TrackVisHeaderType &header, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
template<class T >
void PrintVariableLengthVector (const VariableLengthVector< T >vec, const std::string &str="", const char *separate=" ", std::ostream &os=std::cout)
template<class TPixelType , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void PrintVectorImage (const SmartPointer< VectorImage< TPixelType, VImageDimension > > &image, const std::string &mse="", std::ostream &os=std::cout, bool isPrintHeader=false)
bool ReadFibers (const std::string &filename, SmartPointer< FiberTracts< double > > &fibers, const std::string &printInfo="Reading fibers:")
template<class ImageType >
bool ReadImage (const std::string &filename, SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const std::string &printInfo="Reading Image:")
template<class ImageType , class ReaderType >
bool ReadImage (const std::string &filename, SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const std::string &printInfo="Reading Image:")
template<class ImageType >
bool ReadImageInformation (const std::string &filename, SmartPointer< ImageType > &image)
void ReadTrackVisHeader (const std::string &filename, TrackVisHeaderType &header)
template<class PixelType >
void ReadVectorImage (const std::string &filename, SmartPointer< VectorImage< PixelType, 3 > > &image, const std::string &printInfo="Reading Image:")
void RemovePropertyName (TrackVisHeaderType &header, const std::string &name)
void RemoveScalarName (TrackVisHeaderType &header, const std::string &name)
bool SaveFibers (const SmartPointer< FiberTracts< double > > &fibers, const std::string &filename, const std::string &printInfo="Writing fibers:")
template<class ImageType >
bool SaveImage (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const std::string &filename, const std::string &printInfo="Writing Image:")
template<class ImageType , class WriterType >
bool SaveImage (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const std::string &filename, const std::string &printInfo="Writing Image:")
template<class ImageType >
void SetVectorImage3DVolumeSize (SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const std::vector< int > &size)
template<class ImageType >
void SetVectorImageFullSize (SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const std::vector< int > &size)
template<class ImageType >
void SetVectorImageVectorSize (const SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, const int vecsize)
template<class ImageType , class ImageOutType , class OpFunctor , class MaskImageType = Image<double,4>>
void UnaryVectorOPImage (const itk::SmartPointer< ImageType > &image, itk::SmartPointer< ImageOutType > &outImage, const OpFunctor &func, const itk::SmartPointer< MaskImageType > &mask=nullptr, int numberOfThreads=-1, int vectorAxis=3)
template<class T >
vnl_vector< T > VariableLengthVectorToVnlVector (const VariableLengthVector< T > &vec)
template<class ScalarType , unsigned Dim>
void VectorToMultiVolumeImage (const SmartPointer< VectorImage< ScalarType, Dim > > &image1, SmartPointer< Image< ScalarType, Dim+1 > > &image2)
template<class Image1Type , class Image2Type >
bool VerifyImageInformation (const SmartPointer< Image1Type > &image1, const SmartPointer< Image2Type > &image2, const bool isMinimalDimension=false)
template<class Image1Type >
bool VerifyImageInformation (const SmartPointer< Image1Type > &image1, const std::string &file2, const bool isMinimalDimension=false)
bool VerifyImageInformation (const std::string &file1, const std::string &file2, const bool isMinimalDimension=false)
template<class Image1Type , class Image2Type >
bool VerifyImageSize (const SmartPointer< Image1Type > &image1, const SmartPointer< Image2Type > &image2, const bool isMinimalDimension=false)
template<class Image1Type >
bool VerifyImageSize (const SmartPointer< Image1Type > &image1, const std::string &file2, const bool isMinimalDimension=false)
bool VerifyImageSize (const std::string &file1, const std::string &file2, const bool isMinimalDimension=false)
template<class VnlValueType , class PointsContainer >
void VnlMatrixToPointsContainer (const vnl_matrix< VnlValueType > &matrix, PointsContainer &points)
template<class T >
VariableLengthVector< T > VnlVectorToVariableLengthVector (const vnl_vector< T > &vec)
void WriteTrackVisHeader (const TrackVisHeaderType &header, FILE *file)


static LUTExpPointer lutExp = LUTExpType::New()

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 32 of file utlDMRIStoredTables.h.

Definition at line 31 of file utlDMRIStoredTables.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


peaks peaks stored in x,y,z,value, without the number of peaks


peaks peaks stored in x,y,z, without the number of peaks


peaks peaks stored in x,y,z,value with the number of peaks in the first value


peaks peaks stored in x,y,z,value with the number of peaks in the first value

Definition at line 28 of file itkPeakContainerHelper.h.

Function Documentation

void itk::CopyTrackvisHeader ( const TrackVisHeaderType hFrom,
TrackVisHeaderType hTo 
template<class ImageType , class ImageOutType , class MaskImageType = Image<double,4>>
void itk::FunctorFromStringOPImage ( const std::vector< itk::SmartPointer< ImageType > > &  images,
itk::SmartPointer< ImageOutType > &  outImage,
const std::string &  funcStr,
const itk::SmartPointer< MaskImageType > &  mask = nullptr,
int  numberOfThreads = -1 

By defining a functor which maps multiple vectors to another vector, this function perform the functor on a set of images (VectorImage or NDImage).

Definition at line 109 of file itkFunctorFromStringImageFilter.h.

References IsImageEmpty(), utl::IsLogDebug(), and utl::LogLevel.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int itk::GetDimensionOfProperties ( const TrackVisHeaderType header)

Get total dimension of properties

Definition at line 141 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References utl::GetScalarsDimentionByName(), itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_properties, and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::property_name.

Referenced by itk::Fiber< TValue >::PrintSelf(), PrintTractVisHeader(), ReadTrackVisHeader(), itk::FiberTractsReader::ReadTractsTRK(), and itk::FiberTractsWriter::WriteTractsTRK().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int itk::GetDimensionOfScalars ( const TrackVisHeaderType header)

Get total dimension of scalars

Definition at line 125 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References utl::GetScalarsDimentionByName(), itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_scalars, and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::scalar_name.

Referenced by PrintTractVisHeader(), ReadTrackVisHeader(), itk::FiberTractsReader::ReadTractsTRK(), and itk::FiberTractsWriter::WriteTractsTRK().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class T , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void itk::GetITKImageFromMXArray ( const mxArray *  pr,
SmartPointer< Image< T, VImageDimension > > &  image 

Definition at line 55 of file mexITK.h.

References utlException.

Referenced by callFunction().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class T >
void itk::GetITKVectorImageFromMXArray ( const mxArray *  pr,
SmartPointer< VectorImage< T, 3 > > &  image 

Definition at line 128 of file mexITK.h.

References utl::min(), and utlException.

Referenced by callFunction().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class T , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void itk::GetMXArrayFromITKImage ( const SmartPointer< Image< T, VImageDimension > > &  image,
mxArray *&  pr 

Definition at line 32 of file mexITK.h.

References utlException.

Referenced by callFunction().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class T , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void itk::GetMXArrayFromITKVectorImage ( const SmartPointer< VectorImage< T, VImageDimension > > &  image,
mxArray *&  pr 

Definition at line 96 of file mexITK.h.

References utlException.

Referenced by callFunction().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector<std::string> itk::GetPropertyNames ( const TrackVisHeaderType header)

Definition at line 96 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References utl::CovertChar2DArrayToStringArray(), and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::property_name.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::vector<std::string> itk::GetScalarNames ( const TrackVisHeaderType header)

Definition at line 90 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References utl::CovertChar2DArrayToStringArray(), and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::scalar_name.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool itk::HasPropertyName ( const TrackVisHeaderType header,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 102 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_properties, and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::property_name.

Referenced by itk::FiberTracts< TValue >::HasPropertyName().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool itk::HasScalarName ( const TrackVisHeaderType header,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 113 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_scalars, and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::scalar_name.

Referenced by itk::FiberTracts< TValue >::HasScalarName().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void itk::InitializeLUTExp ( )

Definition at line 37 of file utlDMRIStoredTables.h.

References itk::UnaryFunctorLookUpTable< TFunctor >::New().

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void itk::InitializeSHRotation ( const int  rank,
const int  tess 

Definition at line 176 of file itkSHCoefficientsRotation.h.

bool itk::IsSameStructure ( const TrackVisHeaderType h1,
const TrackVisHeaderType h2 
double itk::lutExpValue ( const double  x)

Definition at line 50 of file utlDMRIStoredTables.h.

References utl::SH3IntegralTable().

Referenced by utl::ComputeDWISHCoefficientsForGPDCylinder(), utl::GetExpProductLegendreCoef(), utl::GetSymmetricTensorSHCoef(), and utl::GetSymmetricTensorSHCoefDerivative().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class ImageType , class ImageOutType , class OpFunctor , class MaskImageType = Image<double,4>>
void itk::MultiVariableVectorOPImage ( const std::vector< itk::SmartPointer< ImageType > > &  images,
itk::SmartPointer< ImageOutType > &  outImage,
const OpFunctor &  func,
const itk::SmartPointer< MaskImageType > &  mask = nullptr,
int  numberOfThreads = -1,
int  vectorAxis = 3 

By defining a functor which maps multiple vectors to another vector, this function perform the functor on a set of images (VectorImage or NDImage, along axis).

Definition at line 103 of file itkMultiVariableFunctorVectorImageFilter.h.

References IsImageEmpty(), utl::IsLogDebug(), and utl::LogLevel.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class ScalarType , unsigned Dim>
void itk::MultiVolumeToVectorImage ( const SmartPointer< Image< ScalarType, Dim+1 > > &  image1,
SmartPointer< VectorImage< ScalarType, Dim > > &  image2 

Definition at line 88 of file itkMultiVolumeImageToVectorImageFilter.hxx.

Referenced by ConvertImage< NDImageType, VectorImageType >().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void itk::PrintTractVisHeader ( const TrackVisHeaderType header,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout 
bool itk::ReadFibers ( const std::string &  filename,
SmartPointer< FiberTracts< double > > &  fibers,
const std::string &  printInfo = "Reading fibers:" 

Definition at line 83 of file itkFiberTractsReader.h.

References utl::IsLogNormal(), and itk::FiberTractsReader::New().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void itk::ReadTrackVisHeader ( const std::string &  filename,
TrackVisHeaderType header 

read trackvis header

Definition at line 194 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References GetDimensionOfProperties(), GetDimensionOfScalars(), itk::TrackVisHeaderType::id_string, itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_count, utlGlobalException, and utlSAGlobalWarning.

Referenced by itk::FiberTractsReader::ReadTractsTRK().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class PixelType >
void itk::ReadVectorImage ( const std::string &  filename,
SmartPointer< VectorImage< PixelType, 3 > > &  image,
const std::string &  printInfo = "Reading Image:" 

if it is a VectorImage, directly read it. If it is a 4D image, read it as Image, then convert it to a VectorImage

Definition at line 66 of file utl.h.

References utl::IsFileExist(), IsVectorImage(), and utlGlobalException.

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void itk::RemovePropertyName ( TrackVisHeaderType header,
const std::string &  name 

remove properties by its name

Definition at line 175 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_properties, and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::property_name.

Referenced by itk::FiberTracts< TValue >::RemovePropertiesByName().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void itk::RemoveScalarName ( TrackVisHeaderType header,
const std::string &  name 

remove scalars by its name

Definition at line 157 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References itk::TrackVisHeaderType::n_scalars, and itk::TrackVisHeaderType::scalar_name.

Referenced by itk::FiberTracts< TValue >::RemoveScalarsByName().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool itk::SaveFibers ( const SmartPointer< FiberTracts< double > > &  fibers,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  printInfo = "Writing fibers:" 

Definition at line 79 of file itkFiberTractsWriter.h.

References utl::IsLogNormal(), and itk::FiberTractsWriter::New().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class ImageType , class ImageOutType , class OpFunctor , class MaskImageType = Image<double,4>>
void itk::UnaryVectorOPImage ( const itk::SmartPointer< ImageType > &  image,
itk::SmartPointer< ImageOutType > &  outImage,
const OpFunctor &  func,
const itk::SmartPointer< MaskImageType > &  mask = nullptr,
int  numberOfThreads = -1,
int  vectorAxis = 3 

By defining a functor which maps a vector to another vector, this function perform the functor on an image (VectorImage or NDImage, along axis).

Definition at line 116 of file itkUnaryFunctorVectorImageFilter.h.

References IsImageEmpty(), utl::IsLogDebug(), and utl::LogLevel.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class ScalarType , unsigned Dim>
void itk::VectorToMultiVolumeImage ( const SmartPointer< VectorImage< ScalarType, Dim > > &  image1,
SmartPointer< Image< ScalarType, Dim+1 > > &  image2 

Definition at line 97 of file itkVectorImageToMultiVolumeImageFilter.hxx.

Referenced by ConvertImage< VectorImageType, NDImageType >().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void itk::WriteTrackVisHeader ( const TrackVisHeaderType header,
FILE *  file 

write trackvis header

Definition at line 236 of file itkTrackvisHeader.h.

References utlGlobalException.

Referenced by itk::FiberTractsWriter::WriteTractsTRK().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

LUTExpPointer itk::lutExp = LUTExpType::New()

use lookup table to approximate exp(-x)

Definition at line 34 of file utlDMRIStoredTables.h.