Diffusion MRI Tool
►Nitk | |
►NConcept | |
►CSameInteger | |
CConstraints | |
►NFunctor | |
CMeanDiffusivityFromGHOTCoefficients | MD value from GHOT coefficients |
CMultiplyByConstantMatrix | |
CMultiplyByConstantVector | |
CNormalizeVectorImageFunctor | |
CODFNormlizeFunctor | |
COuterProduct | |
CRotateSHCoefficients | |
CSHCoefficientsFit | Fit SH coefficients from spherical function samples |
CSHCoefficientsPower | |
CSHCoefficientsToGFA | |
CSPFScaleFromMeanDiffusivity | |
CAddNoiseToDWIImageFilter | Add noise to DWI data |
CBasisMatrixGenerator | Generate basis matrix |
CCastImageFileWriter | Writes image data, after casting, to a single file |
CCastVectorImageFileWriter | Writes image data, after casting, to a single file |
CCommandProgressUpdate | Observer for progress notification |
CComposeVectorImageFilter | ComposeVectorImageFilter combine several vector images into a vector image |
CCylinderModelGenerator | Cylinder Model |
CDiffusionModelEstimationImageFilter | Base filter for estimation of diffusion models |
CDiffusionModelEstimationInSphericalCoordinateImageFilter | Base filter for estimation of diffusion models in spherical coordinates |
CDiffusionModelGenerator | Generate ground truth DWI/EAP/ODF ets from a given model |
CDiffusionTensor | Tensor with some useful functions |
CDiscreteBasisMatrixGenerator | Generate basis matrix |
CDWIGenerator | Generate DWI data based on provided parameter file |
CDWIGeneratorBase | Generate DWI data based on provided parameter file |
CDWIReader | Load gradient file, b values and DWI files (with optional index file) |
CDWISingleVoxelGenerator | Generate DWI data with the same diffusion parameter set for all voxels. If random mode is used, the diffusion parameters are randomly rotated |
CDWIWriter | Write gradient file, b values and DWI files (with optional index file) |
CFeaturesFromSPFImageFilter | Compute some features (DWI/EAP profile, ODFs, scalar indices) from SPF coefficients |
CFiber | |
CFiberTracts | |
CFiberTractsReader | |
CFiberTractsWriter | |
CFunctorBaseVectorImageFilter | Implements vector-valued generic operation on one image |
CFunctorFromStringImageFilter | Implements vector-valued generic operation on images with the same size |
CFunctorHashTable | Use FunctorHashTable to accelerate evaluation of functions |
CFunctorTableBase | Use FunctorTableBase to accelerate evaluation of functions |
CGeneralizedHighOrderTensorImageFilter | Estimate the coefficients in GHOT model, which is used for md image estimation |
CImageToVTKImageDataFilter | Converts an ITK image to VTK image data |
CIterativeSolverBase | Base class for some optimization solvers using primal-dual updates |
CL1RegularizedLeastSquaresFISTASolver | Solve least square problem with L1 regularization using FISTA |
CL2RegularizedLeastSquaresSolver | Solve least square problem with L2 regularization |
CMaskedImageToImageFilter | ImageToImageFilter with mask and threaded logger support |
CMeanDiffusivityFromGHOTImageFilter | Compute mean diffusivity from GHOT coefficients |
CMeshFromContinuousSphericalFunctionImageFilter | Compute mesh from continuous spherical function linearly represented by a set of bases |
CMeshFromDiscreteFiberODFImageFilter | Compute mesh from discrete fiber ODF represented by a set of basis functions |
CMeshFromFiberTractsFilter | Compute mesh from fibers |
CMeshFromImageImageFilter | Compute mesh from SH coefficients |
CMeshFromPeaksImageFilter | Generate a mesh from given peaks |
CMeshFromSHCoefficientsImageFilter | Compute mesh from SH coefficients |
CMeshFromSphericalFunctionImageFilter | Compute mesh from general spherical function |
CMeshFromSphericalFunctionTessellatedSamplesImageFilter | Compute mesh from spherical samples in the pre-stored tessellated vertices |
CMeshFromTensorImageFilter | Compute mesh from a tensor image |
CMultiplyByConstantMatrixVectorImageFilter | In each vxoel, multiply the input vector by a matrix |
CMultiplyByConstantVectorImageFilter | Multiply input pixels by a constant |
CMultiVariableFunctorVectorImageFilter | Implements vector-valued generic operation on one image |
CMultiVolumeImageToVectorImageFilter | Convert Image<TInputPixelType, VImageDimension+1> to VectorImage<TOutputPixelType, VImageDimension> |
CNormalizeODFImageFilter | Normalize the input ODF such that the output ODF has unit integral. The input ODF can be represented using uniform spheircal samples or SH coefficients |
CNormalizeVectorImageFilter | Pixel-wise vector normalization |
CODFFromSPFImageFilter | Calculate ODFs from SPF coefficients |
COuterProductVectorImageFilter | In each vxoel, multiply the input vector by a matrix |
CPeakContainerHelper | VariableLengthVector to contain peaks with different storing types |
CProfileFromSPFImageFilter | Calculate DWI/EAP profile from SPF coefficients |
CRGBImageToVTKImageDataFilter | Converts an ITK image to VTK image data |
CRotateSHCoefficientsImageFilter | Rotate SH coefficient to all input pixels |
CSamplingScheme3D | This class describes sampling in a 3D space (Q space or R space) |
CSamplingSchemeQSpace | This class describes sampling in Q space |
CSamplingSchemeQSpace1OptEstimationFilter | Incremental estimation of single/multi-shell orientations |
CSamplingSchemeQSpaceEstimationFilter | Base class for the filters to estimate the sampling scheme in Q-space |
CSamplingSchemeQSpaceIMOCEstimationFilter | Estimation of single/multi-shell orientations using Iterative Maximum Overlap Construction (IMOC) |
CSamplingSchemeQSpaceIncrementalEstimationFilter | Incremental estimation of single/multi-shell orientations |
CSamplingSchemeQSpaceWriter | Write orientations and b values (single/multiple shells) into text files |
CScalarMapFromSPFImageFilter | Calculate ODFs from SPF coefficients |
CSHCoefficientsPowerImageFilter | In each vxoel, the input VectorImage is a SH coefficient vector which represents a spherical function. The output VectorImage is another SH coefficient vector whose spherical function is a power of the input function. In formula outputFunction = (inputFunction)^k, where k is a given order. When k==2, then we have closed form of the output SH coefficient vector. When k is not 2, we resample the input spherical function, power it, then refit it using SH basis |
CSHCoefficientsRotation | Rotate SH coefficient vector by a given rotation matrix |
CSHCoefficientsToGFAImageFilter | In each vxoel, calculate gfa from SH coefficients |
CSlowPolyLineParametricPath | Represent a path of line segments through ND Space |
CSolverBase | Base class for some optimization solvers using primal-dual updates |
CSpamsWeightedLassoSolver | Solve weighted LASSO using spams |
CSparseVector | Represents a sparse array |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImage | An n-dimensional vector image with a sparse memory model |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageFileReader | Reads sparse image data from key and value files |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageFileReaderException | Base exception class for IO conflicts |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageFileWriter | Writes sparse vector image data to key and value files |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImageNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor | Provides accessor interfaces to Access pixels and is meant to be used on pointers to pixels held by the Neighborhood class |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImagePixelAccessor | Give access to partial aspects of a type |
CSpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImagePixelAccessorFunctor | Provides accessor interfaces to Access pixels and is meant to be used by iterators |
CSPFScaleFromMeanDiffusivityImageFilter | Compute SPF scale from mean diffusivity |
CSphereTessellator | Tesselates a sphere via subdivision of tetrahedron, octahedron, or icosahedron |
CSphericalHarmonicsGenerator | Generate complex and real Spherical Harmonic Basis |
CSphericalPolarFourierEstimationImageFilter | Estimate the coeffcients of generalized Spherical Polar Fourier basis which can be separated into differe radial basis and sphercial basis |
CSphericalPolarFourierGenerator | General SPF basis in radial part, SH basis in spherical part |
CSphericalPolarFourierImageFilter | Estimate the coefficients in SPF model |
CSphericalPolarFourierRadialGenerator | Radial part of general SPF basis |
CStructureTensorImageFilter | Computes the structure tensor |
CTensorBasisMatrixGenerator | Generate basis matrix |
CTrackVisHeaderType | |
CUnaryFunctorLookUpTable | Use UnaryFunctorLookUpTable to accelerate evaluation of functions |
CUnaryFunctorVectorImageFilter | Implements vector-valued generic operation on one image |
CVariableLengthVectorImageFileReader | Reads variable length vector image data |
CVariableLengthVectorImageFileReaderException | Base exception class for IO conflicts |
CVariableLengthVectorImageFileWriter | Writes variable length vector image data. std::vector is used to store the variable length vector |
CVectorImageChannelFilter | TInputImage and TOutputImage are VectorImage, TFilter is an image filter which works for itk::Image. This class performs TFilter on each channel of TInputImage, then compose results into output |
CVectorImageRegionIterator | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type |
CVectorImageRegionIterator< Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > > | |
CVectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type. It provides the same interfaces for both itk::Image<T, N+1> and itk::VectorImage<T, N> |
CVectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > > | |
CVectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< Image< VariableLengthVector< TPixel >, 3 > > | |
CVectorImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< SpatiallyDenseSparseVectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension > > | |
CVectorImageToMultiVolumeImageFilter | Convert VectorImage<TOutputPixelType, VImageDimension> to Image<TInputPixelType, VImageDimension+1> |
CVTKImageDataToImageFilter | Convert VTK image data to an ITK image |
►Nsmart_assert | |
CAssert | |
Cassert_context | |
Cis_null_finder | |
Cis_null_finder< char * > | |
Cis_null_finder< const char * > | |
►Nspams | |
CComposeProx | |
CElasticNet | |
CFusedLasso | |
CGraphLasso | |
CGraphLassoRidge | |
CGraphMult | |
CGraphPathConv | |
CGraphPathL0 | |
CGroupLassoL2 | |
CGroupLassoL2_L1 | |
CGroupLassoLINF | |
CGroupLassoLINF_L1 | |
CGroupProx | |
CHingeLoss | |
CLasso | |
CLassoConstraint | |
CLogLoss | |
CLoss | |
CLossCur | |
CLossMat | |
CLossMat< T, LogLoss< T, weighted > > | |
CLossMat< T, SqLossMissing< T > > | |
CLossMatSup | |
CLzero | |
CMixedL1L2 | |
CMixedL1L2_L1 | |
CMixedL1LINF | |
CMixedL1LINF_L1 | |
CMixedL1LINFCR | |
CMultiLogLoss | |
CNone | |
CnormL2 | |
CnormLINF | |
CParamFISTA | |
CParamReg | |
CProxMatToVec | |
CRank | |
CRegMat | |
CRegularizer | |
CRidge | |
CSpecGraphMat | |
CSplittingFunction | |
CSqLoss | |
CSqLossMat | |
CSqLossMissing | |
CTraceNorm | |
CTreeLasso | |
CTreeLzero | |
CTreeMult | |
CAbstractMatrix | Abstract matrix class |
CAbstractMatrixB | Abstract matrix class |
CBinaryHeap | |
CData | Data class, abstract class, useful in the class image |
CDoubleRowMatrix | Matrix with shifts |
CElement | |
CGraph | |
CGraphPath | |
CGraphPathStruct | |
CGraphStruct | |
CList | |
CListIterator | |
CMatrix | Dense Matrix class |
CMaxFlow | |
CMinCostFlow | |
CParamDictLearn | |
CPath | |
CProdMatrix | Class representing the product of two matrices |
CShiftMatrix | Matrix with shifts |
CSpMatrix | Sparse Matrix class |
CSpVector | Sparse Vector class |
CSubMatrix | |
CTimer | Class Timer |
CTrainer | |
CTree_Seq | |
CTreeStruct | |
CVector | Dense Vector class |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< std::vector< T > > | |
►Nutl | |
►NFunctor | |
CAbs | |
CAbs< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CAcos | |
CAcos< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CAsin | |
CAsin< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CAtan | |
CAtan2 | |
CAtan< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CCompose | |
CConj | |
CConj< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CCos | |
CCos< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CCube | |
CCube< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CDotProduct | |
CExp | |
CExp2 | |
CExp2< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CExp< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CFloor | |
CFloor< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CInfNorm | |
CLog | |
CLog10 | |
CLog10< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CLog2 | |
CLog2< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CLog< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CLRound | |
CLRound< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CMax | |
CMaxValue | |
CMean | |
CMedian | |
CMin | |
CMinValue | |
CNeg | |
CNeg< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
COneNorm | |
CPow | |
CRound | |
CRound< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CScalarFunctorWrapper | |
CShred | Obtain a part of a vector |
CSign | |
CSign< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CSin | |
CSin< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CSqrt | |
CSqrt< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CSquare | |
CSquare< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CSum | |
CTan | |
CTan< utl::NDArray< T, Dim > > | |
CTwoNorm | |
CVectorFunctorBase | |
CVectorFunctorWrapper | |
CVectorMultiVariableFunctionWrapper | |
CVectorUnaryFunctionWrapper | |
CZeroNorm | |
►C__InstanceOf | |
CHelp | |
CBinaryOpExpr | Binary operator expression class |
CBinaryOpExpr< OP, ScalarExprBase< ValueT >, TRight > | |
CBinaryOpExpr< OP, ScalarExprBase< ValueT1 >, ScalarExprBase< ValueT2 > > | |
CBinaryOpExpr< OP, TLeft, ScalarExprBase< ValueT > > | |
CExpr | Base class for expression |
CGradientTable | Gradient table related functions and stored tables |
CInt_ | |
CNDArray | NDArray is a N-Dimensional array class (row-major, c version) |
CNDArray< T, 1 > | NDArray<T,1> is a vector class which uses blas mkl |
CNDArray< T, 2 > | NDArray<T,2> is a row-major matrix |
CNDArray< T, 4 > | NDArray<T,4> is a 4th order tensor |
►CNDArrayBase | Base class for utl::NDArray |
CConstReverseIterator | A const reverse iterator through an array |
CReverseIterator | A reverse iterator through an array |
Cremove_complex | Remove complex: |
CScalarExprBase | Scalar expression base class for double and std::complex<double> |
CSuperFloatType | Float type which can be coverted to |
CSuperset | |
CUnaryOpExpr | Unary operator expression |
►Nvtk | |
CvtkPolyDataViewer | Helper class to visualize vtkPolyData |
CVTKViewer |